
Bryn Mawr Meadows Water Quality Improvement Project


Project Number: BC-5

Project Status   |  Active

At their meeting on September 21, 2017, the Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission approved a proposal from the Commission Engineer (Barr Engineering) to perform a feasibility study for the project which began in October 2017 and will continued through the winter. The feasibility study was completed and approved at the January 17, 2019 Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Commission took action to pursue Concept #3 in the study and work to secure commitments from MnDOT on the maintenance of Penn Pond just upstream of the project area.

After no comments were received during a public hearing on this project on September 19, 2019, the BCWMC officially ordered this project by resolution (see "more information").

In June 2021, a proposal and scope from the BCWMC Engineer for engineering services for this project was approved (including preparing final design, developing plans and specifications, and providing permitting assistance, bidding assistance and construction services). In early July 2021, an agreement among BCWMC, City of Minneapolis, and MPRB was executed to assign design and collaboration responsibilities.

50% design plans were approved in January 2022 including the additional costs to construct the project. 90% designs are expected in March 2022. Project construction is complete.

Project Funding   |   Grant Funded

Much of the funding for this water quality improvement project will come from a tax levied on the residents of the Bassett Creek Watershed by Hennepin County in 2020 and 2021. A $400,000 Clean Water Fund grant from the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources will also partially fund this project. Estimated total project costs including study, design, construction, and administration was revised in early 2022 from an original $912,000 to $1.5M.

Project Description

This project treats stormwater runoff from residential areas that currently flow untreated into Bassett Creek. The project was implemented within Bryn Mawr Meadows Park and designed and constructed in conjunction with the Minneapolis Park and Rec Board's park improvement project. The project includes diverting runoff from a 45.1-acre residential area west of the park and low flows from MnDOT’s Penn Pond discharge into new stormwater ponds within the park for a total phosphorus reduction of 37 pounds per year.

Project Announcements

The project is complete and a grand opening is scheduled for Thursday, October 24th 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

More Information

90% Designs and Design Memo (Approved March 2022)

50% Designs and Design Memo (Approved Jan 2022)

BCWMC Engineer Project Design Proposal (June 17, 2021)

Resolution 19-09 Ordering Project (Sept 19, 2019)

Final Feasibility Study(Approved Jan 2019)

Feasibility Study Appendices

Feasibility Study Proposal (Approved Sept 2017)

Clean Water Amednemnt