Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. and will be held in person in the Council Conference Room at Golden Valley City Hall (7800 Golden Valley Rd.). An online meeting option is not available for this meeting.

Most meeting materials are available in one document:FULL PACKET. But it does not include the invoices in 4C, the complete audit in 4H, the complete documents in 5D and 5F, or the "information only" items in Section 7. The complete meeting materials are available below as PDFs for each individual agenda item.


2. PUBLIC FORUM ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS - Members of the public may address the Commission about any item not on the agenda. A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed for the Forum. If the full 15 minutes are not needed for the Forum, the Commission will continue with the agenda. The Commission will take no official action on the items discussed at the Forum, with the exception of referral to staff or a Committee for a recommendation to be brought back to the Commission for discussion/action.



A. Approval of Minutes - June 20, 2024 Commission Meeting

B. Acceptance of July Financial Report

C. Approval of Payment of Invoices

i. Keystone Waters, LLC - June 2024 Administrator Services

ii. Keystone Waters, LLC – June 2024 Meeting Expenses

iii. Barr Engineering - June 2024 Engineering Services

iv. Triple D Espresso – Meeting Catering

v. City of Plymouth – June Accounting Services

vi. Kennedy & Graven – Legal Services

vii. Stantec - WOMP Services

viii. HDR, Inc. - Website Services

ix. LSC Resource, Inc. - Bank Checks

D. Appoint Ryan Vadnais as BCWMC Deputy Treasurer

E. Set Public Hearing for September 19th Meeting

F. Approval of Hwy 55 Lift Station Relocation Project, Golden Valley

G. Approval to Provide Comments on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the METRO Blue Line Extension Project

H. Accept 2023 Financial Audit


A. Review Revised Joint Powers Agreement

B. Consider Approval of Feasibility Study Scope for Crane Lake Chloride Reduction Demonstration Project (CL-4)

C. Receive Report on 2023 Water Quality Monitoring Results

i. Sweeney Lake

ii. Twin Lake

iii. Plymouth Creek

D. Consider Submitting Clean Water Fund Grant Application

E. Consider Approving Policy on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

F. Consider Submitting Resolutions for Minnesota Watersheds 2025 Platform

G. Receive Update from Plan Steering Committee

6. Communications

A. Administrator’s Report

i. Update on Watershed Based Implementation Funding Convene Meeting #2

ii. Update on Twin Lake Riparian Restoration

iii. Golden Valley Historical Society Event Sept 14

B. Engineer

i. Update on Schaper and Sweeney Carp Surveys

C. Legal Counsel

D. Chair

E. Commissioners

i. Report on Minnesota Watersheds Summer Tour

F. Technical Advisory Committee

G. Committees

i. Report on Education Committee Meeting June 26th

ii. Report on Budget Committee Meeting July 17th


A. Administrative Calendar

B. CIP Project Updates

C. Grant Tracking Summary and Spreadsheet

D. WCA Notice, Golden Valley