Project Number: ML-12
The feasibility study was approved June 2021 with Concept #3 being chosen for implementation. A public hearing on this project was held on September 16, 2021. At that meeting, the project was officially ordered and an agreement with the City of Golden Valley to design and construct the project was approved. Project design plans were approved in February 2022 (50% designs) and May 2022 (90% designs). The City of Golden Valley contracted with Peterson Companies for project construction. Work began in early November 2022. Earthwork and construction will be completed in May 2023. Site restoration and revegetation will continue spring through summer 2023.
The estimated cost for this project is approximately $2,000,000. The BCWMC plans to contribute $1,200,000 in CIP funds to the project through an ad valorem tax levied on all watershed residents by Hennepin County. A $300,000 Clean Water Fund grant from the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources was awarded in early 2022. Additional funding will come from the city of Golden Valley.
The project will expand flood storage areas within the project area (approximately 2.5 acres of existing park area) adjacent to the existing Medley Pond, and provide additional water quality treatment for total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus.
The project will create approximately 8.8 acre-feet of additional flood storage for the 100-year, 24-hour flood frequency event, which reduces the 100-year storm event maximum water surface elevations by 0.5 feet within Medley Park and the downstream Kings Valley Pond (ML-2). This reduction in flood elevation removes six structures from being at-risk of flooding for the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. For the 25- year event, the maximum water surface elevations within Medley Park and on Kings Valley Pond are reduced by 0.6 feet, which removes five structures from being at-risk of flooding for the 25-year event.
The project will also increase the phosphorus load reduction by 16.4 pounds per year and would restore 0.6 acres of wetland and 0.6 acres of upland, prairie habitat. Disturbed trails will be replaced with a looped ADA paved trail to provide active recreation and habitat viewing opportunities for park users and to provide maintenance access.
Major construction is complete (May 2023). Site restoration and revegetation will continue during spring and summer 2023. Additional information is available on the city's project webpage:
90% Designs (May 2022)
Resolution Ordering Project and Approving Agreement
Feasibility Study - Concept #3 approved June 2021
Concept Open House Story Boards - April 2021
Virtual Open House Story Boards - November 2020
City of Golden Valley Project Webpage
Feasibility study proposal - approved August 2020