Project Number: ML-22
The BCWMC completed a feasibility study in June 2023 that identified restoration opportunities along a 1,000 foot section of an intermittent stream that enters Plymouth Creek just upstream of Medicine Lake. At their June 15, 2023 meeting, the BCWMC approved the implementation on "alternative 1.5," to stabilize streambanks, improve flow and reduce erosion in storm water side channels, and remove buckthorn along the riparian buffer and within a 2 acre floodplain area at the downstream end of the project.
The project is currently in the design phase with construction expected winter of 2024/2025.
The estimated cost of this project including study, design, construction, and administration is $352,000 which will be funded through taxes collected from all residents of the Bassett Creek Watershed area through the BCWMC Capital Improvement Program.
This project will restore a small stream that is actively eroding near Medicine Lake and which drains into Plymouth Creek and then into the West Medicine Lake Park Water Quality ponds. This project will stabilize streambanks, reduce sediment and nutrient pollution reaching Medicine Lake, improve in-stream and riparian habitats, remove over two acres of buckthorn, and prevent future channel erosion along a 1,000-foot section of the stream that drains into Plymouth Creek just upstream of Medicine Lake. The project will reduce total phosphorus and total suspended solids entering the lake by and estimated 7.4 lbs. per year and 14,770 lbs per year, respectively.
The BCWMC will review 60% design plans at their October 17, 2024 meeting. Contact for additional information.
Additional Information on feasibility study
Final Feasibility Study - approved at the June 15, 2023 meeting (Alternative 1.5 selected for implementation)
Project information and preliminary concepts: February 13, 2023 public open house