Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission meeting and public hearing starts at 8:30 a.m. and will be held in person in the Council Conference Room at Golden Valley City Hall (7800 Golden Valley Rd.). The meeting can be accessed online in real time via Zoom. Public participation is currently limited to in person attendance. Join Zoom Meeting at https://plymouthmn-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodOCvrj8rHtZJzxg6hib82UqHHvF4Ift3#/registration

Most meeting materials are available in one document: FULL PACKET. But it does not include the invoices in 4C or the "information only" items in Section 8. The complete meeting materials are available below as PDFs for each individual agenda item.


2. PUBLIC FORUM ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS - Members of the public may address the Commission about any item not on the agenda. A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed for the Forum. If the full 15 minutes are not needed for the Forum, the Commission will continue with the agenda. The Commission will take no official action on the items discussed at the Forum, with the exception of referral to staff or a Committee for a recommendation to be brought back to the Commission for discussion/action.



A. Approval of Minutes - August 15, 2024 Commission Meeting

B. Acceptance of September Financial Report

C. Approval of Payment of Invoices

i. Keystone Waters, LLC - August 2024 Administrator Services

ii. Keystone Waters, LLC – August 2024 Meeting Expenses

iii. Barr Engineering - August 2024 Engineering Services

iv. Triple D Espresso – Meeting Catering

v. City of Plymouth – August Accounting Services

vi. Kennedy & Graven – Legal Services

vii. Stantec - WOMP Services

viii. Metro Blooms - Engagement in Minneapolis Neighborhoods

ix. ECM Publishers, Inc. - Public Hearing Notice Publication

D. Approval of Administrator Attendance at MN Association of Watershed Administrators Fall Meeting


A. Receive Comments on Proposed 2025 CIP Project: Plymouth Creek Restoration Project, Dunkirk Lane to 38th Ave. North (2025CR-P)


A. Consider Approval of Resolution 24-06 Ordering 2025 Improvement

i. Ordering 2025 Improvement

ii. Making Findings Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 103B.251

iii. Certifying Costs to Hennepin County

iv. Approving Agreement with City of Plymouth for Construction Plymouth Creek Restoration Project, Dunkirk Lane to 38th Ave. North (2025CR-P)

B. Review Letters from Member Cities on Joint Powers Agreement

C. Consider Approval of Resolution 24-07 Amending Commission Bylaws

D. Consider Approving Budget Committee Recommendations

Memo | 2025 Budget Spreadsheet

E. Review Plan Steering Committee Recommendations and Plan Process Tracker

F. Receive Report on Outcome of Watershed Based Implementation Funding Convene Process

7. Communications

A. Administrator’s Report

i. Reminder of WEDNESDAY November 20th BCWMC Meeting

ii. Update on Bassett Creek Valley Meeting

B. Engineer

C. Legal Counsel

D. Chair

E. Commissioners

F. Technical Advisory Committee

i. Parkers Lake Raingarden Project

G. Committees

i. Education Committee


A. Administrative Calendar

B. CIP Project Updates

C. Grant Tracking Summary and Spreadsheet

D. CAMP Monitoring Video with Commissioner Twiford

E. BCWMC Comments to State of MN on Draft Wetland Assessment Tool

F. BCWMC Letter of Support for Clean Water Funds to Clean Water Council

G. MDNR Seeks Applicants for Advisory Boards

H. WCA Notices, Plymouth